Your order will be shipped in 2 working days. You will receive an email confirmation, from there you can take into account the delivery times announced.
Our parcels are usually delivered between 10 and 20 working days
You can follow your parcels on the site, with the number transmitted by e-mail.
There is no customs charge for standard delivery.
Don't worry, contact us immediately we'll be happy to update it. Simply send us your corrected address with your order number and we will change your information.
In accordance with our terms and conditions, once an order has been sent from our warehouse, any changes to the order cannot be made.
The parcel must go through the French customs, which can delay its delivery but do not worry, the processing time lasts 2-3 working days. The article's warranty period lasts 30 business days and the purchaser is eligible for an order return if the item has still not been received.
Returns are accepted as long as they do not exceed 30 days after receiving the parcel. However, all returned products must be in perfect condition and the return costs are at your expense. Caution Promotional items are not eligible for returns unless it is a defective item.
The exchange is possible, you have to send us the order and we send you the Exchange item.
Unfortunately not. All items that have left our warehouse are definitive and cannot be changed.
Refunds can take up to 14 working days, depending on the purchase payment system.
Please inform us immediately by email if you have not received it after 14 working days.
No, it is possible to use only one promo code at a time.